The Yardwadjali and Djap Wurrung Story

Brambuk welcomes you to a journey through the experiences of our people, the Yardwadjali and Djap Wurrung, the traditional owners of the land in and around the magnificent and powerful mountain range of Gariwerd, our ancient name for the Grampians.

This is the land that supported our people both physically and spiritually. It's earth, water, plants and animals gave us physical strength, while it's rocky peaks and deep valleys and all things connected with the land, became the resting places for our creative and legendary heros.

Our principal legendary hero is Bunjil, the creator who provided us with all our needs.

Bunjil created our land, our people, the plants and animals, our religon and the laws by which we live. He was the leading figure in our spiritual life, essential in teaching our young people the importance of our laws and beliefs.

Bunjil gave our people the weapons and tools to hunt and gather food. He was closely related to Werpil, the eagle, considered to be king of birds.

At the end of his time on earth, Bunjil rose into the sky where he now lives, represented by a star.

Gariwerd was also central to the dreaming of the two Bram brothers, legendary figures in our history, who were responsible for the creation and naming of many landscape figures in western Victoria.

Our Brambuk Living Cultural Centre is named after the Bram brothers as a reminder of their central role in creating the features of Gariwerd.

In the numerous rock shelters of Gariwerd we gather to talk, yarn, sing and dance. We teach our children and pass on our knowledge.

On the walls of the shelters we paint our symbols and leave our hand prints and stencils as evidence of our existence.

We hunt and gather the abundant food in the area by various methods such as netting, spearing ad digging.

In the streams and rivers we use rocks to build fish traps, allowing us to harvest the rich bounty of fish and eels with nets made of kangaroo grass.

Life is thus sustained in an orderly, balanced manner according to laws of the Bunjil.

Today Bunjil still watches over us to ensure that we continue to look after our land and observe our laws and beliefs.

Courtesy of:
The Brambuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre

For more information on Aboriginal Heritage:

Aboriginal Heritage
Aboriginal Rock Art
Brambuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre
European Settlement
Koories in the Gariwerd

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  Detail of Victorian Aboriginal ceremonial painted body decorations. The use of dots and the general layout of the painters is similiar to those painted on Bunjil. (Museum Victoria)